la vache qui chante
read as i chronicle my life and times in paris. as a musician, an anglophone, or as a singing cow.
Monday, July 16, 2012
water town
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
shake it!
Wednesday Night.
Where will you be?
Shaking your bootay with me at Rituel Paris!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
a study in the french apéro
Ze Apéro. Short for apéritif…or a pre-dinner drink (‘ a pair of teef? No fanks, I got me own.’). These wonderful apéros include a pleasant area outside (quai de la Seine, Buttes Chaumont, Tuileries…anywhere with grass or someplace in full sun.), an early start time, cherry tomatoes (every time…) and of course… the glue that holds France together…WINE! Preferably a chilled bottle of rosé.
Just don't forget the cherry tomatoes.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
home sweet home
![]() |
The would-be site of character building... |
Les Franzettes
To discontinue this trend of barely writing about my career..I give you the website of my string quartet-three frenchies + one american (me by the way) equals The Franz Quartet...or Quatuor Franz.
Behold. Listen. Come to our concerts. Or if you are stranded across the ocean, click on the English version, look at the website, like it for pete's sake on facebook and pretend you are at our concerts.
Friday, February 10, 2012
through the blue doors
Jean-David and I have recently moved. Our old apartment was furnished and our new apartment was empty. And that means one thing and one thing only…
Call me a sell-out…but whatever…anyone who sneers at Ikea has it all wrong. I spent hours poring over the Ikea catalogue and website imbibing in the sheer simplicity and neat-space-saving-tips-and-tricks chartered by those thrifty Swedes. From the Karlstad convertible couch (You got a plane ticket? We got a couch!) to the stroudlflunginflieegneshtieninflurb (the bar that holds utensils in the kitchen) we were ready for our big Ikea adventure.
Saturday morning came and I bounded out of bed…willing to skip my morning Nesspresso (I’m sorry…have you seen George Clooney?) in order to be amongst the first walking through those gigantic blue doors.
Bliss. You can eat meatballs and shop for kitchen cabinets and cushions all at once. Ah! The sweet ambrosia that is Ikea! I forgot about my meticulously researched list and went Ikrazay! Shiny! New! Cunning hazaa…magical storage!!
But then-we reached the end of the perfectly decorated display rooms.
Gone were the great lighting schemes, the plump couches and groovy geometric throws. We had crossed over.
To the moment when Ikea becomes h-e-double-hockey-sticks.
The cardboard covered furniture labyrinth hell is only the start to what is known only as the Ikea Inferno…
That great bedframe you had to have and was a steal at $89?
Five hours of your life later, this chic Engan bedframe is built in only 27 steps…or well 32 including the major fight you got into over what to do during step 18 (which was incomprehensible), the pizzas you ordered, the tears you succumbed to when you finally realized that the dinglehopper goes over the schmadoodle and not under it…the hiding of the extra bits and bobs you couldn’t quite figure out to do with and of course the ceremonial burning of the instructional booklet…
2 kullens, 1 engan, 1 lillangen, 1 karlstad (did you know you actually have to build your own couch?!), 1 expedit, 1 asksvist, 1 pax, 1 gormet, 8 lacks, and 1 big scdkoriso;sdfodufluferen and our apartment was furnished!
I’m just ignoring the pile of shelves sitting in the corner of our bedroom.
Anyway, whatever. I can't wait to go back.
Monday, February 6, 2012
the cherry on my monday
With the remenants of my singing glow I organized the rest of my afternoon before work on the metro. I would be grocery shopping (half hour) making lunch (a salad inspired by a restaurant called Chez Gladines) to be eaten whilst watching a 22 minute episode of Sex and the City followed by an hour of practicing (25 minutes learning the first and second movements of Shostakovich followed by 35 minutes of Bach)...a swell plan if I do say so myself...
15 minutes behind schedule (I really can never tear myself away from the cheese aisle) I was running around putting away the groceries, turning on the heat, frying the potatoes, washing lettuce, setting up the music stand, when while I was simaltaneously cutting tomatoes with a serrated knife and mixing a salad dressing I had an accident. A split second of poor concentration and the top of my thumb was bleeding like the dickens. Enter multiple four to six letter words here (there may have been dual-lingual cussing going on)...
I ran cold water over my boo-boo and reached one handed to grab paper towels, which of course fell on the floor at the same moment the tomatoes fell into the sink along with the cutting board and damned I am stooping for the towels, turning off the water, trying to get my thumb to stop bleeding and opening the window to rid the kitchen of the acrid odor of my potatoes burning...once I finally got the kitchen situation "under control" I ran to the bathroom and grabbed band-aids and neosporin and did the whole one-handed-band-aid-opening-magic-trick.
Finally my thumb is bandaged, I eat my salad, watch my episode and whip out my cello, warm up, start Shostakovich when my bleeping band-aid has bled through! Another three minute trip to the bathroom (at this point neosporin is smeared on the mirror, sink, and door handle) before I start practicing again. At five minutes till departure time I was very perplexed to see the tip of my bandage was already brown...but impossible! I had literally just put on 4 band-aids!
That is when I looked at the neck of precious Mr. Cello and there it was folks, the veritable cherry on my Monday...blood all up on Mr. Cello's neck, he was not a happy camper, nor was I when I had to re-roll the paper towels (still on the floor) and clean up yet another mess, you can imgaine the creative usage of four to six letter words exploding out of my mouth.
Mr. Cello safely desposed of and blood free, I upped the band-aid count and left the apartment a big fat mess. Something nice to look forward to when I get home...
Lauren: 0 points
Serrated knife from Ikea: 13 band-aids and counting