Saturday, February 5, 2011

suck and blow...a la francais

I think that everyone remembers that daring game played whilst we were 14-18 (ok 22)…suck and blow…the game where if you are lucky enough to pass the card to a cute boy that has no lung capacity you might get a chaste kiss…well I just encountered the equivalent recently at a little get together.

Let me just set the scene: an incredible apartment in Le Marais an incredibly trendy and chic area, a bunch of friends clad in classic Parisian garb drinking a white wine or a vodka cocktail, chatting and grooving to some music in the background…the more vodka cocktails consumed lead to some interesting discoveries on my part.

All of a sudden I hear the strains of Austrian Waltz music and see people sitting on the ground, their legs wrapped one around another swaying with their arms held aloft in the air…then un deux trois Paul runs across the apartment living room and dives headlong into the sea of waving arms, they catch him and roll him off to the side in preparation to the next person waiting to plunge to their death or just fall and have a minor concussion. This is a drinking tradition in the Southwest of France. Hmmm.

We continue chatting, and then I’m being grabbed by a friend and he is trying to force an ice-cube into my mouth with his tongue. My normal reaction, was screaming, pushing and spitting the ice-cube onto the floor staring wild-eyed at my friend…”What the h-e-double-hockey-sticks-was that?”


a. My boyfriend, and your best friend is right behind me…

b. And..whaaat???!!!!

Everyone started laughing at my ignorance of the fun game they call, “Passe le glaçon” or “Thrust the ice-cube into everyones mouth before it melts”. Voila…the French version of “Suck and Blow” everyone…hazah.

To put this into perspective, French people are shocked by Booty dancing, yet shoving an ice-cube with your tongue into your friends girlfriends mouth…totally acceptable and played by thirteen year olds. Hmmm.

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